Saturday, January 28, 2006

Moving All Around

Passing through myself I see, what's here and now and was for me.
My childish structure is now lost, escaped and free from it's building frost.
Where do I head? Where do I run to? My mind's devices will all be disguised.
But for now I'll stick to a complex fact and strive to escape any strong lies.

Letting out my thoughts, exposing inner workings.
My tides are all fought, but throughout I am learning.
Choosing the path, that fits the time.
These are things that will build all the grime.
For once was a choice, is now a battle.
Between complete silence and utter rattle.
Beware the thoughts lost along the path.
Before they come back for another laugh.

Discrete distinctions of the mind's divide.
The notions of worth will all collide.
Strength is required to hold true.
While battles raging inside accrue.
Moreso I laugh, as I know, that one day all will fall below.
For these days are short and often forgotten.
The masks that we hold will be rotten.

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