Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Marked Entry

Passing through
Just passing through
we all have wants and needs
where can we see
what will grow into trees?
passing truth
the passing truth

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mesmerizing Muffins

Tasty muffins, meet my mouth.
Searching for places to elate and break out!
Once more i chew, and i meet with much taste.
But where can i go without this sensuous paste!
I am lost without it, and I always think about it.
But whenever I have it, my mind becomes so clouded!
OH my temtuous muffin! How I adore your wonderful stuffin'.
If only I could continue to eat you till I lay in my coffin!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Moving All Around

Passing through myself I see, what's here and now and was for me.
My childish structure is now lost, escaped and free from it's building frost.
Where do I head? Where do I run to? My mind's devices will all be disguised.
But for now I'll stick to a complex fact and strive to escape any strong lies.

Letting out my thoughts, exposing inner workings.
My tides are all fought, but throughout I am learning.
Choosing the path, that fits the time.
These are things that will build all the grime.
For once was a choice, is now a battle.
Between complete silence and utter rattle.
Beware the thoughts lost along the path.
Before they come back for another laugh.

Discrete distinctions of the mind's divide.
The notions of worth will all collide.
Strength is required to hold true.
While battles raging inside accrue.
Moreso I laugh, as I know, that one day all will fall below.
For these days are short and often forgotten.
The masks that we hold will be rotten.

Terror Alone

I walk, slowly, briskly, towards my doom
that waits so distinctly outside of this room

These forms wander softly without escape
from the moments of elation that we all await

But who are they to squander such things?
To be alone, to be free from what one should sing?

These days are all lost to the strife of the truth
If we dont bring together what is now so loose

I walk quickly and succinctly towards my doom
To show the world Peace from one piece of gloom

Where we wander and quibble from our thoughts so strong
We discover that our minds are all caught in its throng

So demeaning it's nature that it hides us so well
from the nature of night and the showers of hell

These days we wander expecting the worst
Only to find that humankind was there first

So to allow our thoughts to escape from it's whim
I must let myself free, so to escape from him

I run towards my maker, so swiftly so strong
That i knock off my feet, what is right and wrong

So strange are these days, that we find so amazing
If only we knew of the grief that is changing

Towards darkness it strides, to suppress all of light
And bring us within, a confiscated night

This time I am needed!
I must run towards the fight!
for all superceded!
I will, this, make right!

In times of destruction, all we know is fear
When who is to claim what is far and near?

This time is the end, of these mixed up emotions
Now all we shall know, is in these hateful notions

Dual Society

Tan velvet masks make up the orion's belt
marching forward solemn vows abreast
tone and tales fan the notions felt
as your foes lay bloodied all along and rest

See the clouds begin to seperate
as we lay upon the ground so dark
the light forms tubes of elegance
cast down on the still and stark

Where peace begins so shallow grows
and fights an enemy so strong in power
Pouring aghast amounts of needed vows
on the anger and strife that makes us cower

We will pass through this dreary blight
to find another one so dead and gone
But once we light these candles bright
we find the wind has passed along

At the whim

Lusting the divides of the warped allegory
Marching truth, elastic rusting stories
Ponder time's ghastric thoughts elated
within these rhymes of intensity laden
Crimes destroy markings' withering anger
But mental strife and reason stranger
allow all of lost might to be stated
within a place better situated

Choices Of War

When the thought of trying, masks our lies.
All that's left gives up and dies

If all I know will just slowly accrue
will I choose to be with you?

The trials and cases of the mind distraught
are enough to make a blind man rot

But the choices and attacks of the days to come
will bring down with such force that all will run

My choice is fulfilled, and will once again confide
in the lessons and experiences that we all will find.

A Prime Time To Be Livin'

Forget all the ties that mention each other
remember the tides of a lost earthen world
bemoan all your lies and your lost half-brother
lest you forget that you live in this world

Lets all escape from are crisp mannerisms
and spit and scratch to our hearts content
if all of life is one generalism
then i'm headed for that place where I'm sent

Cry about friends and laugh about lovers
taste all these minds of selfishness too
when we will be free of our masks and our covers
someone will recognize the forgotten truth

The timing is right and the moon shines bright
of these lost and old crimes underneath
for in the delight of our primative blight
we found some facts with actual teeth


When I was younger, there were some things
that left me cold and lost inside
but I remember many days
where i would go off to search and find

my life was made of long distance trips
all of which left me miles from home
to see hate and violence let slip
I cried and cried all alone

The journeys would all end
and my life would return to normal
but my mind would not mend
of the struggle and turmoil

Every moment I''m reminded
of past events still greatly scarring
my eyes are slowly becoming blinded
from days when my mind was starving

The hunger pangs will never cease
of knowledge and wisdom great
but I can pretend to release
the suffering I've felt of late

With age has come all my nightmares
all my fears of future spoils
and it only makes you wonder
what is worse: fresh or foiled?


marches to the rythm
escapes all time
can I catch him?
will he be mine?

runs with the wind
away from his pain
he will be skinned
of this i will reign!

leaps cross the night
from all his strife
I will make right
and take his life

but what is he
that is so free?
should i leave?
with dignity?

jumps to the moon
escaping madness
I let him see
this world of sadness


these nights of mine are full of seeds
where all is lost and full of greed
but in its decline, comes something seen
that breaks the frost, so bright, so keen

make light with all of this design
try to become of this mistaken kind
and one will remember all the signs
as an explosion within the mind

with knowledge comes many a frown
all might it takes to just look down
upon seeds once sown in the ground
of sweet taste and oh so round.